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Action Research on Apples in dry areas

Agro-Tourism is working with some selected farmers to pilot the growing of apples in the Teso Sub-region. The region is well known for being hot area as compared to Kabale in western Uganda where apples are highly grown now.

If the results from this research turn out to be very positive then this is going to create a very good alternative source of livelihoods for the region.

Though the crop has been known to grow in Western Uganda due to the cold temperatures, apples in Soroti have excited many farmers and researchers.

There’s a ready market for apples for domestic consumption but also brewing companies such as Uganda Breweries Ltd have approached Agro-Tourism Association to supply them with apples, which are currently used in the production of a popular beer called Apple Cider.

Once results from this project come out successful the project will be rolled out to support smallholder farmers in the Teso region to produce Apples on a commercial basis